Infogate for the iPhone/iPod Touch

By: Justin Lang on February 25, 2009

200902250717.jpg Wybron is poised to release the Infogate App for the iPhone and iPod Touch in the iTunes App Store. With the Infogate App, you will be able to monitor and control your lighting rig from virtually anywhere in the building.

Infogate for the iPhone takes the easy-to-use graphical interface from Wybron’s infotrace feedback system and shrinks it down to size for the iPhone and iPod Touch. With the interface now on the iPhone, you will no longer be tied to board, booth or computer to receive RDM information from the infogate system. USe the iPhone + Infogate app to examine and manipulate your fixtures whole onstage, backstage or in the green room, (that is if there is WiFi coverage!).

With Infogate for the iPhone:

  • Discover every piece of equipment on your lighting rig
  • Manipulate it while standing onstage
  • Examine its status and performance
  • Assign (or change) its DMX address
  • … and more.

The system’s sensors detect:

  • Temperature
  • Fan speed
  • Voltage
  • Lamp status
  • … and more.

To learn more about the Wybron Infogate system or the Infogate App for the iPhone/iPod Touch, make sure to visit Wybron’s website at Look for the Infogate App to come to the iTunes App Store in the near future. We’ll make sure to update our readers here.

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