Friday Flickr Lighting Porn – Your Time to Shine

By: Justin Lang on October 1, 2010

If you have been reading iSquint for a while now, you already know all about the weekly column, Friday Flickr Lighting Porn. If you are new to the site, welcome! The Friday Flickr Lighting Porn is a weekly column that features lighting designers and their design photos. Each Friday I randomly select a photo from the Friday Flickr Lighting Porn Pool that is hosted, you guessed it, on

I do this to get up and coming designers out in front of everyone to see.  iSquint is read by every level of lighting professional in the US and around the world.  From the student just starting their career, educators, designers, and seasoned professionals all across the industry. Your designs are put in front of thousands of people to see and learn about you.

I recently heard that the Friday Flickr Lighting Porn column has helped some young designers land a couple of gigs from people who are looking for designers and read iSquint. I am humbled to hear that this column is working and you guys are landing gigs because of it. It truly is working and you guys are getting work. I am so proud of you guys!

I encourage anyone and everyone who has a passion for lighting to add their design photos to the Friday Flickr Lighting Porn Pool.  While I only feature one photo a week, the pool gets viewed just as much.  So add as many photos as you like and be sure to include your name and a bit of information about your designs.  People are viewing your images are are really liking what they see!

© 2020 Justin Lang Design, All rights reserved.