Tuesday Twitter Trivia Winner – CMY vs RGB

By: Justin Lang on February 24, 2010

Yesterdays Tuesday Twitter Trivia was based on the previous days article about CMY rs RGB and their “theoretical” differences. The theory is that CMY and RGB values are directly opposite of each other when dealing with light.  While it is not exactly correct, the theory is pretty close. Here is a recap of yesterdays Tuesday Twitter Trivia question:

What is the “theoretical” CMY values for Pink with RGB values of 100%, 25%, 70%?

Lets take a closer look at the values and see exactly how the theory would hold up mixing this pink in CMY.

So who was the first in with the correct response, Michael Kohler, or better known on twitter at @MEKohler.  Michael was the first one to @ reply with a response of C: 0%, M: 75%, Y: 30%. Michael wins himself a lovely little iSquint prize pack.  Thanks all for playing and look for another Tuesday Twitter Trivia question next week.

Have a trivia question about lighting that you think will stump everyone?  Send you trivia questions to me via the Contact Us page here on iSquint.  You just might receive an iSquint prize pack!

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