Tuesday Twitter Trivia Winner – Please grandMA

By: Justin Lang on January 6, 2010

grandMA2 Please ButtonThis weeks Tuesday Twitter Trivia referenced the third episode of the iSquint Podcast. The podcast featured an interview with Brian Dowd and Joe Cabera from ACT Lighting and talking about the grandMA2. In the interview Joe and I talked about some of the differences between the grandMA and the grandMA2 console.  One thing that caught my attention early on was the lack of an enter key but the addition of a Please key. In Joe’s word, “We wanted to console to be a polite console”. Pretty silly huh?  Not really when you think about it. In our industry it is common practice to say please and thank you when requesting, acknowledging a command, statement, almost anything. Plus, it’s just good manners.

Is it crazy that the board “speaks” like us? [ 1 ] [@] [full] [Please].  I don’t think so.

So who was this weeks Tuesday Twitter Trivia Winner.  The first person in with the correct answer was Mark Scott, or better known as @MarkScott74. He had the correct answer of The Enter Key. The question again…

What console key on the grandMA2 has been removed and replaced to make the console more polite?

Yes, there was a little bit of word play in there, but come on, it was an easy one right? I do have to mention my favorite response to the question from Andrew Girling, (@andrewgirling). It made me chuckle! Thanks everyone for playing.  Look for another Tuesday Twitter Trivia question at the same bat time.

Side Note: Have a good Tuesday Twitter Trivia question that just might stump everyone?  Let me know through the contact us page.

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