#USITT2011 is Tomorrow!

By: Allison Hill on March 9, 2011

USITT is tomorrow! I know I’m ready, I’ve been spending the first half of spring break sitting around my dorm avoiding the homework that’s been piling up and surviving on quesadillas cooked on the George Foreman. Business cards in pocket, clothes packed, plane to catch, its time for an adventure!

I’m not sure what part of the conference I’m most excited for, there is so much going on. Beyond all the fantastic opportunities and displays on the show floor, the events taking place in the evenings are amazing for catching up with old friends, meeting new people, and a generally awesome time.

Nighttime fun aside, the show floor is an obvious draw for students to the conference. I know I love looking around the booths, asking questions about products, and learning about the new technology that I don’t get exposed to at school. The sessions are also a huge opportunity for students looking to learn from industry professionals of the different opportunities a future in this field can hold. I’ll let you know what I find when the show floor opens tomorrow, and I hope to see you there!

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