
Why advertise on  We reach hundreds of industry professionals, educators and lighting enthusiast daily.  Our readers turn to iSquint to learn about the latest in lighting technology for the entertainment industry. iSquint reaches users and readers across the United States and across the world. From the United Kingdom to Japan, we have followers visit the site daily.

iSquint is all about new products, technologies and services related to the entertainment lighting industry.  I also feature interviews and columns from leading professionals to help readers gain a better understanding of the industry.  iSquint also features our readers.  Every Friday we display one of our readers lighting design work from the Friday Flickr Lighting Porn Pool. It just another way I involve the readers and get there hard work show cased.

iSquint offers two advertising blocks that are always displayed on every single page load of the site at 250 by 250 pixels.  iSquint also offers some other advertising opportunities that you can read more about from our current rate card.

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