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Friday Flickr Lighting Porn – Brittany Diliberto

This weeks randomly selected Friday Flickr Lighting Porn comes from one of my favorite people here is the DC Metro Area, Brittany Diliberto. On a quick personal note, I have had the pleasure to meet Britt, and she is wonderful.  Not only is she a joy to be around, with the constant smiling and high spirits, but her work is amazing.  I have only seen her work a few times and it is just spectacular, look at the photo above! I just love the light breaking up through the wood planks!

You can see more of Brittany’s work in a number of places, first, her flickr page that contains a bunch of her design work as well as her awesome photography skills.  You can also see her work on her personal website, From there, you can get touch with Brittany.  Be careful though, her smile and laugh is contagious!

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