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Friday Flickr Lighting Porn – SUNY Fredonia


This weeks randomly chosen Friday Flickr Lighting Porn comes from SUNY Fredonia Department of Theatre and Dance. the above images is from the 2007 production of Rocky Horror Show at the Rockefeller Arts Center on the Walter Gloor Mainstage.

The Department of Theatre Arts at SUNY Fredonia was officially created in 1972 by founding chairman Dr. Jack Cogdill upon the opening of the Rockefeller Arts Center. Each year, The department puts on 5 mainstage productions with a range of shows from classical plays to contemporary and modern musicals.

To learn more about the Department of Theatre and Dance at SUNT Fredonia, visit the departments website at What to see your lighting design work spotlighted on iSquint’s Friday Flickr Porn, add your images to the iSquint Flickr Pool. Each week, a Lighting Design photo is randomly chosen from the Pool and featured here on iSquint.

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