Upgrading Your Toolbox: City Theatrical DMXcat-E and DMXcat Multi Function Test Tool

We all have those tools in toolbox that make our jobs easier and saves countless hours of figuring out what the problem is. For many technicians, they live and die […]
MA Lighting Intros grandMA3 onPC Fader Wing and DIN-Rail Nodes

In the ever evolving grandMA3 line, MA Lighting has recently introduced additional products to the onPC line and the networking line. First, the onPC fader wing. Second, additional network nodes […]
MA Lighting Releases grandMA 3 Software Version

We’ve heard the term “Not Implemented Yet” when working and learning on the grandMA 3. Today brings reset to a few of those frustrations. MA Lighting has release software version […]
ChamsSys Prepares Launch of MQ500M Console

ChamSys is just released a trailer to prepare everyone for the launch of their latest control surface, the MQ500M. The email, website and video let little out other than the […]
MA Lighting Launches GMA3 onPC Command Wing XT

MA Lighting has officailly launched their latest grandMA 3 product, the onPC Command Wing XT. Now what excatly is it…. It is a command wing with a computer inside that […]
TODAY @ 12p PST: ONYX Dance-Off, Club Programming with ZYPER

Received this notice late yesterday… Obsidian Control Systems and Matthias Hinrichs will be hosting a webinar with Floimond Zipper. Zipper, a lighting design and programmer the primarily works in EMD […]
GDTF Gets DIN SPEC Validation

If you are a console jockey, you’ll want to get familiar with GDTF if you haven’t already. General Device Type Format is a game changer in our work flow. From […]
Claypaky CloudIO; Taking Repairs to the Cloud

Claypaky, those guys that revitalized the industry not to long ago with innovation and game changing fixtures has brought something new and different to the market, the CloudIO. Claypaky showed […]
MA Lighting Release Updated Vectorworks Plugin – V2.6

For those of use still “running” shows on GMA2 and using VW2020, a bit of pain has been relieved today. Since the introduction of GDTF and it’s integration into Vectorowks […]
Luminex Releases LumiCore – 64 Engines of Routing

It’s Switch, It’s a Node… NO, it’s 64 Processing Engines! When you hear Luminex, you think network switches and DMX nodes. They have been producing some stealer products in the […]
Obsidian Launches New USB SMPTE Device – NX SYNC

Need to get timecode into your system? Obsidian Control Systems just launched their latest control device, the NX SYNC. It’s a USB, plug-and-play SMPTE timecode device. Here is more from […]
Genesis, A New Simple Lighting Control Board By Altman Lighting

Altman has stepped up their game here in the past few years. Long forgotten and rarely used or even seen are the 360q’s or 8″ fresnels that left a mark […]