GDTF Gets DIN SPEC Validation

If you are a console jockey, you’ll want to get familiar with GDTF if you haven’t already. General Device Type Format is a game changer in our work flow. From […]
Sports Going Forward: Virtual Audiences

I will admit, there is nothing like going to a live event or game. At the moment though, is it worth the risk to risk getting infected? Social distancing and […]
MA Lighting Release Updated Vectorworks Plugin – V2.6

For those of use still “running” shows on GMA2 and using VW2020, a bit of pain has been relieved today. Since the introduction of GDTF and it’s integration into Vectorowks […]
4Wall’s Sunday Round Table – Episode 2 – 5/24/20

4Wall is hosting their 2nd Sunday Round table this week on FB Live. This week a number of industry professionals join hosts Drew Quinones & Jeff Croiter. Jane Cox (Princeton […]
Lux Partum – An Internet Controlled Lighting Installation

A whole lot of creative people have been hard at work during this shut down. Some are truly flexing that brain and sharing their work across the world. Case in […]
CAST Offers 33% discount on New Products AND Renewals

Times are tough for most of us right now. Spending money is the last thing on our minds. These are extraordinary times where we have to think of what is […]
Ayrton Boredom Buster – PreViz, Win Swag

From Aryton Lighting: As you know our industry is facing an unprecedented, involuntary “down-time” as a result of the current situation. Ayrton wants to help break up the monotony by […]
disquise Gives 6 Months FREE Access to Designer Software and Discounted Dongles

Remember earlier this week when disguise offered support for us that are currently on our #CovidVacation. We’ll, they stepped it up a bit and took it further. Here it is […]
Imagineering in a Box – Build Your Own Disney World

Wanna build your own Disney World? Barbizon put up a link recently to an interesting course from Khan Academy, Imagineering in a Box. Now, this is not like those games […]
Vectorworks Adds More Help and Continuing Updates

You’ve probably already seen what Vectorworks is doing to help out industry during the pandemic. They have shared more information and additional resources for those that are in need or […]
Autodesk Steps Up Support, Offers Free & Extended Access to Cloud Collaboration Products
Everyone, I mean EVERYONE is affected by our current situation. It is overwhelming to support that I am witnessing here. Autodesk, the makers of AutoCad and a host of other […]
Drafty App Extends Trial Period

As you can see from the screen grab on the left, Drafty App is extending their trial period for their apps for 3 months. Just incase, here is the tweet… […]