Claypaky Bringing Back the Sexy to Par Cans with the Midi-B FX

Coffee can with a lamp, easy, simple… that’s a par can. Put some gel if front, vary the intensity, boom, a pretty impactful tool you’ve got there. As with any […]
ETC Prepares Launch of ColorSource Spot Jr

Straight From ETC: ColorSource Spot jr is the newest addition to the ColorSource family of affordable ETC fixtures. At only 12 lb (5.5 kg) ColorSource Spot jr is nearly half […]
New From Chauvet: The Maverick Silens 2 Profile

Chauvet has rece4ntly announced their latest moving light to the market, the Maverick Silens 2 Profile. Some of the key features of the new profile, virtual quite operation as it […]
Magmatic Effects Introduces and Outdoor-rated UV LED Series – The Prisma Series

Directly from Magmatic Atmospheric Effects: Magmatic atmospheric effects is pleased to offer Prisma, a new generation of advanced UV LED lighting products with weatherproof IP65 rating. Prisma is changing the […]
Vari-Lite Goes Retro with the new VL800 Series
Vari-Lite/Signify have ventured away from their norm and have recently introduced a new series of LED was lights, the VL800 Series. Yes, the series does include a moving head, but […]
Get Your Jazz Hands Ready. Robe Prepares to Launch ESPRITE
I am going to forgo the standards here and just have you watch the video. Read more after the show. More from the Press Release: Robe embraces the spirit and […]
GLP’s JDC1 New Moto: Be Aggressive, Be, Be Aggressive
Remember back in high school, being at a football or basketball game when the cheerleaders would chant, Be Aggressive, Be, Be, Aggressive? That is what the new mode for the […]
ArKaos Kling-Net is on FIRE, Claypaky Adopts Protocol for HY B-EYE Series
You know something is good when others take notice and begin to add it to their products. Just recently, JB-Lighting made a similar announcement about adding ArKaos’s Kling-Net protocol to […]
The Ayrton Diablo; Perfectly Named for this little Hell Raiser
“Give me smaller”, Give me brighter”, “GIMME, GIMME, GIMME”. Ayrton and most other manufactures probably hear that a whole bunch. Patience, good things come to those who wait. For some […]
GLP Embraces LEDs with the impression E350, S350, FR1 and the KNV Cube
German Light Products took the idea of launching new products to a new level last year with the introduction of a number of fixtures. GLP is another one of those […]
The Revolution finally goes LED? Introducing the Releve Spot by ETC
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, back to 2004 when ETC rocked the entertainment world with the launch of the Revolution, their first foray into the moving light world. […]
Elation Launches a New LED Mover; the RAYZOR 760…with EXTRA SparkLED
Did you attend a trade show in late 2018. Such as LDI or PLASA? Chances are you are already aware of one of Elation Professional’s latest movers, the RAYZOR 760. […]