Claypaky Bringing Back the Sexy to Par Cans with the Midi-B FX

Coffee can with a lamp, easy, simple… that’s a par can. Put some gel if front, vary the intensity, boom, a pretty impactful tool you’ve got there. As with any […]
Ayrton Evolves the Cobra, the Cobra2 Developed for the US Market

Ayrton Lighting launched the Cobra, their Laser Source light engine, just a few short years ago with thousand of units sold across the world. Problem being, the US and the […]
New From Chauvet: The Maverick Silens 2 Profile

Chauvet has rece4ntly announced their latest moving light to the market, the Maverick Silens 2 Profile. Some of the key features of the new profile, virtual quite operation as it […]
Get Your Jazz Hands Ready. Robe Prepares to Launch ESPRITE
I am going to forgo the standards here and just have you watch the video. Read more after the show. More from the Press Release: Robe embraces the spirit and […]
ArKaos Kling-Net is on FIRE, Claypaky Adopts Protocol for HY B-EYE Series
You know something is good when others take notice and begin to add it to their products. Just recently, JB-Lighting made a similar announcement about adding ArKaos’s Kling-Net protocol to […]
The Ayrton Diablo; Perfectly Named for this little Hell Raiser
“Give me smaller”, Give me brighter”, “GIMME, GIMME, GIMME”. Ayrton and most other manufactures probably hear that a whole bunch. Patience, good things come to those who wait. For some […]
GLP Embraces LEDs with the impression E350, S350, FR1 and the KNV Cube
German Light Products took the idea of launching new products to a new level last year with the introduction of a number of fixtures. GLP is another one of those […]
The Revolution finally goes LED? Introducing the Releve Spot by ETC
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, back to 2004 when ETC rocked the entertainment world with the launch of the Revolution, their first foray into the moving light world. […]
Robe’s the ONE… Everything You’ll Ever Need?
Way back in October of last year, Robe launched their latest innovation, the ONE, or T1. Robe made a bold statement saying that the ONE is the only fixture you’ll […]
Elation Launches a New LED Mover; the RAYZOR 760…with EXTRA SparkLED
Did you attend a trade show in late 2018. Such as LDI or PLASA? Chances are you are already aware of one of Elation Professional’s latest movers, the RAYZOR 760. […]
Robe Lighting Launches Newest Pointe, The MegaPointe
This has been an exciting Labor Day Weekend for the Lighting World! At Midnight, Tuesday September 5th, 2017 Central European Timezone, Robe dropped some MEGA news on the entertainment lighting […]
Re-Post: 4Wall Lighting Lounge – Three Fixtures I’m Dying to Use In 2016
Have you heard of the Lighting Lounge over on 4Wall Lighting started a blog a while ago that focuses on different aspects of the industry along with some industry […]