Jacob Coakley, the Editor of Stage Direction Magazine started up a website almost a year ago for us theatre folks called TheatreFace.com. As you might be able to tell from the site name, it is where theatre people can come together and talk about what we know and love… THEATRE! Think of TheatreFace as that other social networking site that everyone is on, but just for us and minus Mafia Wars and Farmville, (THANK GOODNESS!). Although, I would like to see Theatre Wars or Stagecraftville, that might be fun!
One neat thing that TheatreFace has done is organized gear reviews. Month long gear reviews! What happens is each month, a member of Theatre Face is sent a product to review. The user puts it through some test and does everything they can think of to learn everything about the product. They post their finds, but it doesn’t stop there. The entire community on TheatreFace is called in and asked for their questions, test and anything else they can think of to learn more about the fixture. How cool is that???
This months product that TheatreFace is reviewing is the SeaChanger plasma light fixture, the Nemo and the SeaChanger Tungsten Wash Fixture. Stephen Ellison is leading the charge on this one and is asking for your questions, and test that you would like to see performed on the fixtures. If you have ever wondered if these fixtures could do something, I HIGHLY encourage you to head over to TheatreFace.com and add your questions to the discussion. The more we collaborate on these reviews, the more we all benefit and learn more about the products.
If you are not a TheatreFace member yet, don’t worry, registering for the site is a “Painless Process” and of course is FREE! Thanks Jacob for this great review process! Love the site and of course I heart Stage Directions!