Xtreme Structures Introduces iTruss iPhone App

By: Justin Lang on April 6, 2010

Xtreme Structures just announced the release of their latest “product”, the iTruss iPhone App. I have to say, I am quite disappointed in this app right off the get go. It was a $4.99 app through the iTunes app store. Of course I bought it, I wanted to check it out for you.

Let me start with I have never heard of Xtreme Structures or their line of truss. Not a huge deal breaker, but none the less, an unknown one to me. After reading the description of the app in iTunes, I expected it to be similar to the iRigging app from JR Clancy. Meaning that a professional company put together a calculator form general specifications and would be universal measurements across all types of truss.

Do not, I repeat, do not make the same mistake I did with iTruss. The iPhone app is at best a “catalog” for Xtreme Structures trussing product line. Yes, it does offer the ability to do some calculations to find the best truss from Xtreme Structures, but there is no cross reference guide or anything for other truss manufacturers. I would not be so upset about Xtreme Structures leaving the other manufactures out of the app is the app was free or even .99. But come on 4.99 for the app that only deals with just their product line?

All that being said, I think the app is very nicely laid out and applaud Xtreme Structures work on the app, it looks and functions very nicely. I have hopes of Xtreme Structures updating the app with new features and other manufacturers, but time will tell.

You can download the iTruss iPhone app from the iTunes app store, but again, it is a $4.99 download. You can learn more about the iTruss App by visiting the apps web site at www.itrussapp.com.

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