Hello 2019… annnnnnd GO

By: Justin Lang on January 10, 2019


Close your eyes.

Deep Inhale… (not THAT kind)

Let it out.

Count to 10.

Clap your hands once.

Open your eyes. And now realize that OH SHIT, we’re already 10 days into 2019! Does that moment of peacefulness help? No? I suggest your find something that helps you take in perspective how your life is going and to slow down for a moment from time-to-time. Remember, there is no stopping once this roller coaster of life starts. At least, not until the end when we all eventually die.

Wow, pretty profound opening words for an entertainment technology blog that post once every six months or so. Add to it, “yeah, you’re gonna die eventually”. What a great way to kick off 2019… 10 days late too.

You hear the same phase year after year around this time. It’s that little chit-chat phrase to start a conversation or to fill an awkward silence… “WOW, where did last year go?” or “Last year flew by so quickly”. Some sort of phase like that. We have all fallen victim of using similar comments. My point here is rather then looking back once a year for a moment and realizing it flew by so quickly, take a moment every day, once a week, once a month to take in your surroundings and where you are in life. Can you remember what that gig was last month were you had a genius idea of doing something different and made a difference in your work flow?

Nope, we moved right along to the next gig… And then the next. Then you come to this weeks gig. “DAMMIT, what was that thing I did that one gig? It made this SO much easier”. Sure, you remember OF it, but do you remember HOW you did it? Yup, I’ve been there a couple of times. Just this past week in fact!

This maybe a work related situation, but it can be in life too. Take moments to remember that way someone made you laugh so hard over the stupidest knock knock joke. That little memory will help in two ways.

1: On hour 18 and everyone is beat down tired and ready to commit a felony. That memory can help you get though that rough moment in your life and maybe even change your attitude to help starve off that killing spread your contemplating.

2: Those little moments are life. If you cannot remember the little things, then what’s the point? Sure, you can remember the important dates, you have your calendar and it reminds you. But does it remind you about that one time at band camp?

What’s the take away from this post that is no where near related to the subject matter that this blog covers? Enjoy your work, but most importantly, enjoy your life. In the words of Ferris Bueller,

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Oh, and welcome to 2019! Now standby for my G-O.


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