“Sleep is for the weak”… Or So You Think

By: Justin Lang on January 15, 2019

I know what you are thinking.  Second post into 2019 and STILL nothing about new products or technologies. Instead, another topic totally unrelated to the sites mission. My apologizes, give me a few minutes, maybe these #MentalMoments will help you down the road and make you stronger.

A couple of years ago, I came across another industry related blog/info site, www.thistourlife.com.  As of lately, it seems like they are positing just as often as I have been.  Hopefully they will change that too in 2019. I know it has been some time for them as I remember reading this particular article some months ago. It just happens to still be their latest story.

Let’s talk about SLEEP…all the good things and the bad things and what you really need.

I, like many others in our business felt that sleep was for the weak, or I’ll sleep when I’m dead. This article helped me realize what a complete moron I was being. I won’t do the article or the site disservice by recapping here. I encourage you to click over and read it.  Let it help you understand why sleep is so important.

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