AED Group & SFL Group Divert Media Servers for Covid-19 Research

By: Justin Lang on March 19, 2020

I have to hand it to our industry.  We all know that gaff tape fixes everything… almost everything.  We are an industry out creative and inventive people. This story will make you want to put those creative juices flowing. This is a damn cool story that I picked up on AV Magazine.  Two groups in the UK, AED Group and SFL Group and repurposed their now idle media servers to help research Covid-19. Here is the first paragraph from the AV Magazine.

Two AV companies serving the events industry have published details of how they are turning unused processing power over to help with Covid-19 research. The the AED Group in Belgium and SFL Group in the UK are both assisting the Folding at Home project. Meanwhile in the US, the Arena Group is hosting Covid-19 testing centres.

Here is the entire story on AV Magazine.  Give it a read and think about the possibilities!


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