PLASA Infographs: Scale of Events and Jobs at Risk

By: Justin Lang on June 10, 2020

Earlier this week, we post an infograph on The Theatre Economy. PLASA has recently released another set of infographs further explaining the make up of a production pertaining to jobs required. The other, the money that that our industry pumps into the economy.

The numbers complied by PLASA are based on the UK, but the numbers correlate to the US market as well. Here is more from PLASA:

The graphics reflect the number of people it takes to deliver just one performance – on average 443 professionals, spanning planning, design, preparation, warehouse and venue staff. Additionally, the graphics show how valuable the sector is, delivering £100 billion to the UK economy and employing approx. 589,000 people.

It is hoped that information contained in the graphics will help highlight to government officials how many jobs are at risk in the events industry without support beyond October.

PLASA says in a statement: “Whilst many industries will be looking to return to some normality from July onwards, experts are predicting that with continued social distancing rules, many events won’t be able to fully return until spring next year, which will put a tremendous financial strain on companies and professionals working in the industry.

“The events sector has suffered enormously due to the worldwide shut-down of live events caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, when cash grants worth up to £51,000 were made available to ‘Leisure, Hospitality and Retail’ businesses, they weren’t extended to the events supply chain, and many of the 72% of freelancers working in the industry fell through the gaps of receiving any income support, due to them either working as limited company directors or because they only became self-employed after April 2019.”

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